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发布时间:2013-01-08    作者:    来源:     浏览次数:    打印

主题:Mechanical Engineering
(注:三校是指澳大利亚蒙纳士大学、武汉理工大学、8455新葡萄娱集团am,每年由一所大学主办学术交流会,今年由8455新葡萄娱集团am主办,Mechanical Engineering为本次交流会五个主题之一。)
Session D: Mechanical Engineering (in the School of Mechanical Engineering)
Place: Room C208, Mechanical Building, New Campus ( 新校区机电楼 C208)
Chair s: Prof. Chris Davies and Prof. Lu Xinjiang
13:30-13: 50  Chris Davies (Monash)
“Computational Metallurgy: Magnesium Alloys by Design ”
13: 50 -14: 10   Lu Xinjiang ( CSU )
“Nonlinear measure ment based Integrated R obust Design and Control for Manufacturing System ”
14: 10 -14: 30   Zhou Xiao ( WUT )
“Robust Similarity Measurement Based on Gray Change Consensus for Target Tracking ”
14: 30 -14: 5 0   Xie Suchao ( CSU )
“Multiobjective crashworthiness optimization of two composite thin-walled structures ”
14: 5 0-1 5 : 10  Zhe Liu ( MONASH )
“Electromechanical actuation of pristine graphene and graphene oxide: origin and optimization ”
15: 1 0 -15:30  Coffee Break
Place: Room C208, Mechanical Building, New Campus ( 新校区机电楼 C208)
Chair s: Prof. Chris Davies and Prof. Zhou Xiao
1 5 : 30 -15: 50  Ya n g Zhigang (CSU)
“High-speed trains: CAA model with high-order spectral difference method to predictmicro-pressure wave radiation from tunnel portal ”
15: 5 0-1 6 : 10   Yin Haibin ( WUT )
“Lower Distortion in Trajectory P lanning for a Rigid-flexible Coupling Manipulator Base on PSO A lgorithm ”
1 6 : 10 -16: 30  Zhou Haibo ( CSU )
“Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control: Introduction to Theory and Applications ”
16: 30 -16: 50   Ding Wenhua ( CSU )
“Dynamic s of a forging manipulator based on screw theory and the reduce system dynamics ”

