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发布时间:2013-01-08    作者:    来源:     浏览次数:    打印

报告题目:Dynamic Reliability Assurance Methodologies
报告地点:8455新葡萄娱集团am新校区中铝科技大楼 C座205
报 告 人:Dr. Ming J Zuo
报告内容:Traditional reliability analysis methods express system reliability as a deterministic function of the system’s time of usage. They do not consider the operating environment, the loading history, or the inherent unique characteristics of an individual system. Thus, they are unable to handle the dynamic nature of the reliability measure of a specific system as a unique entity.  This talk focuses on integrated approaches for dynamic assurance of the reliability of systems in continuous operation.  The challenges include accurate assessment of the health state, prediction of the transition to worsening health states, scheduling of preventive actions, and optimal system operation in terms of reliability maximization and cost minimization. The methods to be covered are for fault detection, fault assessment, fault diagnosis, deterioration trend prediction, reliability assessment, reliability assurance, maintenance optimization models and methods, and decision-making tools for inspection, maintenance, and production.
Ming J Zuo
PhD, PEng, Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Alberta,Canada
Dr. Ming J Zuo received the Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Engineering in 1982 from Shandong Institute of Technology, China, and the Master of Science degree in 1986 and the Ph.D. degree in 1989 both in Industrial Engineering from Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. His research interests include system reliability analysis, maintenance modeling and optimization, signal processing, and fault diagnosis. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Department Editor of IIE Transactions (2005-2008, 2011-present), Regional Editor for North and South American region for International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management, and Editorial Board Member of Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, International Journal of Quality, Reliability and Safety Engineering, and International Journal of Performability Engineering. He is Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), Founding Fellow of the International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM), and Senior Member of IEEE.
联系人:唐进元教授:13017390263 ,陈思雨博士:13975889261

